23 April 2024 0 Comments

On 23 April, during a seminar entitled ‘Green roofs in the Mediterranean context: the case study of the green roof of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the University of Catania’, the Gifluid project was presented to members of the ETNA GARDEN CLUB. The seminar was attended by club members and experts in the field, including Professor Cirelli and Professor Romano of Di3A, who shared their knowledge and expertise with the participants. Other experts such as LaborArc’s Annibale Sicurella and Teresa Gravina, the president of Etna Garden Catania, were also present.

During the seminar, the challenges related to the increasing occurrence of extreme flood events, which are becoming more and more frequent due to climate change and the intense urbanisation of coastal areas, were addressed. Sicily and Malta, both Mediterranean islands, share these problems and the need to find effective solutions to mitigate the risks and protect the territory.

The case study of the green roof at the University of Catania’s Department of Agriculture was presented as a virtuous example of a green roof intervention that can offer multiple environmental, social and economic benefits. The green roof contributes to improving air quality, reducing the heat island effect, promoting biodiversity and increasing the energy efficiency of buildings.

The meeting concluded with an open discussion and a visit to the green roof, during which participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas on possible solutions to meet the environmental challenges of the future.

For more information on the project and the activities of the Etna Garden Club of Catania, visit the association’s website.

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